Hair ....
In need of ahelp" in the care of your hair?
Have you tried all the tricks and schedules available on the internet and still no result?
Maybe the problem is deeper and you need more care from the outside in!
Hair is a dead part and that's exactly why it needs care.
Hair is an important part of the body for all women, it raises self-esteem and stimulates sensuality.
With so many chemical processes and heat sources available on the market, hair may lose its naturalness, shine and vitality.
Today, we have many products that promise true miracles such as reconstruction, nutrition and hydration, within the capillary schedule.
What few people know is that being a dead part of the body, the wires don't get enough nutrients to stay beautiful just with hair treatments, that's where the nutrition part comes in.
You've certainly heard a lot about how to care for and maintain beautiful hair, haven't you? But what few people don't pay attention to is how food and levels of vitamins, minerals, fibers, electrolytes and amino acids are in the body. We must not forget that hair growth occurs through a healthy and strong root.
85% of Brazilian women believe that well-groomed hair interferes with self-esteem.
Unprecedented research reveals that 85% of Brazilian women aged 18 to 35 believe that hair influences self-esteem
Oily hair is the biggest problem among Brazilian women.
Most women (54%) claim to have some degree of oiliness in their hair.